Follow Directions
This morning something simple happened to me. Sometimes simplicity is the best teacher.
I walked down to feed my chickens.
“Go down to the bottom of the hill. I have something to show you,” a whisper came to my heart.
“God is that you?”
No answer. I shrugged my shoulders, and thought to myself that a morning hike to the bottom of the hill couldn’t hurt. Besides, what if the voice WAS God? He said he had something to show me!
My expectation mounted as I carefully made my way down the steep terrain.
I glanced to my right. Off in the distance, I saw a large beautiful patch of purple woodland flowers.
“God - is that what you wanted to show me?”
He chuckled and said that although that was created to bring me pleasure, it wasn’t the reason.
I reached the bottom and drank in my surroundings, looking around with anticipation.
“God, what is it?”
His second instruction came: “Wait.”
So I waited. And waited. I watched 2 Southwest flights fly over my head on their flight path. I noticed the warmth of the sun on the still morning.
And still I waited, beginning to grow impatient. Maybe I heard wrong.
“Watch for the wind,” His third instruction whispered. I laughed at this, because the wind was NOT blowing. It was the stillest I’d ever seen this valley.
Then I heard the faint rustling of wind stirring up leaves. I watched the wind pick up and play with the trees, the limbs dancing with an unseen partner.
As I watched the wind, I heard three loud “huffs” and saw the deer running through the woods.
I laughed excitedly. “Was that it, God?”
“Yes! Wasn’t he amazing?!”
As I walked up the hill, my conversation continued.
“Was there something I needed to learn from this?” I asked.
“Yes. Did you notice I didn’t give you all of the instructions all at once?”
“and as you obeyed each instruction, then you received the next?”
“Yesss!!” I was beginning to get the point.
“This was just a small experience I wanted you to enjoy with me. But remember - life is the same. You have to follow the first instruction before you receive the next. Then you have to follow the 2nd and so on.”
Reader - if you find yourself stuck - ask yourself: “what was the last instruction God gave me?” He wants to know you are listening to Him - by your actions. Do that one thing, and He will tell you what your next step is...AFTER you do it.